Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli

Indirizzo: Via Prota, 81, 80058 Torre Annunziata NA, Italia.
Telefono: 3475963729.
Sito web:
Specialità: Bed & Breakfast.

Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 9 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 5/5.

Posizione di Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino)

Il Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) è un'accogliente struttura situata a Torre Annunziata, in Via Prota, 81, 80058. Questo splendido Bed & Breakfast è conosciuto per la sua eleganza e la sua atmosfera accogliente, ideale per chi desidera trascorrere un soggiorno indimenticabile nella bellissima regione campana.

Il Palazzo dei Concerti offre camere confortevoli e ben arredate, immerse in un'atmosfera di charme e tranquillità. Con una posizione strategica, vicino al centro della città e alle principali attrazioni turistiche della zona, è il luogo perfetto per esplorare le bellezze di Torre Annunziata e dintorni.

Per prenotazioni e informazioni, è possibile contattare il Palazzo dei Concerti chiamando al 3475963729 o visitando il loro sito web Sul sito è possibile trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie per pianificare il proprio soggiorno in modo semplice e veloce.

Con ben 9 recensioni su Google My Business, il Palazzo dei Concerti ha ottenuto una media di valutazione di 5/5, confermando la sua eccellenza e la soddisfazione dei suoi ospiti.

Per chiunque sia alla ricerca di un luogo incantevole dove soggiornare a Torre Annunziata, il Palazzo dei Concerti è la scelta perfetta. Con la sua atmosfera accogliente, le camere eleganti e la posizione strategica, è la soluzione ideale per un soggiorno indimenticabile in Campania. Non esitare a contattarli tramite il loro sito web per vivere un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile

Recensioni di Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino)

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Fabio s

Ho soggiornato in questa magnifica struttura la notte di capodanno, è stato davvero un'esperienza indimenticabile. La struttura è circondata da verde ed alberi ed affaccia sul mare consentendo di ammirare tutto il panorama della costa Sorrentina. La stanza spaziosa e con vista magnifica sul mare, calda, spaziosa e con un bellissimo bagno anche se forse non praticissimo nell'utilizzo. L'unica pecca, volendone cercare una è stata la scarsa illuminazione notturna del parco che circonda il palazzo. Colazione buona ed abbondante.

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Anna d

Sono di Torre ed ho portato degli amici a soggiornare in quel posto sono rimasta molto affascinata,non immaginavo di trovare una location così spettacolare tenuta molto bene e di buon livello ,curata in tutti i particolari .

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Giovanni D'Amico


Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Holly W

The room was lovely, very comfortable beautiful grounds with sea water infinity pool. We were the only guests at the time, so the place was very quiet. The manager was very welcoming. The continental breakfast was buffet style, plenty of choice. ||Eating out in the evening was a challenge as there wasn’t much choice in the town. If you don’t want to rely on taxis, it is possible to walk into town, but takes about 15-20 mins.

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Océane T

The first stop of our trip on the Amalfi Coast was this venue.|This beautiful resort is made of a main well-renovated Palazzo surrounded by a very well-kept garden and infinity pool.|The view from the balcony of the main building as well as from the infinity pool are to die for!||The room was very nice and clean, well-decorated and comfortable: we almost felt like royals in this palazzo! We also had a very nice view of the park and the sea.|Ines, who welcomed us, was very nice and helpful.||We highly recommend this venue, especially if you have a car, because it is not the easiest to access from the airport otherwise. |Also, note that this resort is often booked for weddings and parties.|

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
David F

I have mixed reviews about this lovely place. It is so special, it sells itself but the main problem with this facility is finding it. Tucked away in a not so nice neighborhood and literally, under lock and key with an electronic gate, one gets the feeling that the owners of this property are scared from their surroundings, and this is probably true. ||||We unfortunately arrived at night and could not find this place based on GPS coordinates (Google Maps, Ways). The name of the hotel is "Palazzo dei Concerti" but no such physical sign exists anywhere. After searching for this place for about 15 minutes, we called the facility and they said they would come to escort us into the hotel, (very nice) but frustrating.||At the gate, on the wall we noticed the name of the grounds, "Villa Guarracino" which is the name of the GROUP that owns "Palazzo dei Concerti" so folks, if your stay here make sure you notice the main, outdoor sign and set your GPS to this name and not the name of the hotel itself! ||||After escorting us into the grounds, our hostess, "Ines" told me that she had sent me more specific directions hours before we arrived. My communications were off line as I had no access to WiFi up to that point. The real question here is why did she send me directions hours before my arrival and why does this hotel not explain the differences in the names? ||||As it turns out, I discovered that "Villa Guarracino" owns or operates not only this property but two others, "Il Belvedere" and "Fortino" locations. ||||After Ines' explanations which left me feeling like I made the mistake of not reading her mails in time, we chatted and she explained the locks and keys system and where we might be able to get a bite to eat. About the food, later in this review.||||The place is amazing but it may impress those of you who like "artsy-fartsy" places. ||||Yes, it was special, yes, it was elegant, yes the structure is amazing as are the well kept and manicured grounds, all amazing yet, the small room is a bit impractical in that the bathroom is an integral part of the room with a small window and no where to place the shampoo. The curtains are over sized and drag on the floor. Is this Art Nouveau?||||The place was nearly empty as it was the low season and Ines told us breakfast was at 08:30 which was late for us. Surprisingly and much to Ines' credit, breakfast was ready by 07:00. Ines, thank you for making that special effort!||||Ines' recommended we venture out into town (town?) main street to eat at "Palazzo Vialdo" which is an upscale restaurant. The main road (Corso Umberto I) leading to the restaurant was very,very busy and it was hard to find parking but we were saved by a man in a reflective vest who, apparently was there just for that, to help people park near the restaurant.||The food and drink were excellent. More of my review in Trip Advisor later...||||In conclusion, so, as I have said, the facility is gorgeous, well maintained and very special yet with all the luxury here, including a gorgeous pool, one gets the feeling that this is a property run and monitored "remotely", which means that there is no on-site reception or person you can just walk up to and ask questions. There are many hotels run in this remote fashion which more or less leaves you alone and secluded which may be the reason many people come here.||||Despite this Ines was very gracious and helpful helping us out with everything. ||||Ines, is there a reason that Goofle Maps and other sites are inaccurate? Just asking.||||Despite our navigational and entry problems, Ines made up for these problems vai her graciousness and help. We recommend this facility but MAKE SURE YOU DEFINE THE PROPERTY IN ADVANCE, correctly.

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
Francisco De La Fuente

Un sitio precioso con unos jardines y una piscina de agua de mar espectacular. Solo se usa cuando no hay bodas o eventos ,ero vale la pena si se pueden disfrutar de unos días allí. Solo desayunos pero para comer a 150 metros tienen un restaurante al nivel del Palacio.Si pueden,no se lo pierdan.La gerente un encanto,siempre atenta.

Palazzo dei Concerti (Villa Guarracino) - Torre Annunziata, Città Metropolitana di Napoli
marie j

U n havre de paix au bord de la mer...||L'endroit idéal pour se reposer après les visites de Pompéi, le Vésuve... les chambres sont décorées avec goût... ||Se baigner dans la piscine au bord de la mer...génial... ||Se reposer dans le parc ...

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